Kore ve Japon grubu (Hyundai, Honda, Kia vb.) araçlarda direkt radyatör üzerinde kapak bulunur.
Eğer aracınız bu şekilde ise testi radyatör kapağını açarak aynı şekilde içine yerleştiriniz. Aracınızın motor soğutma
suyunun bulunduğu bölümden testimizi uygulamanız gerekmektedir. Aksi taktirde test sonuç vermeyecektir.
1 When your vehicle’s engine is either cold or warm, place our test in the engine’s reserve water tank, keeping the handle on the outside.
2 Seal the cap slowly to prevent the handle from breaking.
3 Operate or drive your vehicle at the idle position until it reaches normal running temperature (heat panel to show the middle line).
4 After this moment, complete the test process in 10 minutes either while driving your vehicle or running it idle. In vehicles with diesel engines, it is recommended to test while driving, since the engine runs at idle with poor fuel mixture.
5 Stop the engine. If you have tested while driving and the engine is extremely hot, wait for a while for the engine to cool down, then open the water tank cap and remove the test. The test should be hot when you remove it for accurate results. This indicates that the engine water circulates and travels in the reserve water container.
6 Allow the test to cool down by holding it under cold water or waiting for a while. As a result of the test, if the test liquid comes out yellow or dark yellow just as it was before the test that the combustion chamber of your vehicle’s engine is healthy and leak-free. Light orange means a low-level leakage, dark orange means a moderate-level leakage, red means a high-level leakage, and pink means a very high-level leakage.
Performing our test during periodic maintenance or at least every 6 months will give you the chance of early detection and response.
Dikkat Edilmesi Gerekenler:
- a) Eğer aracınızın motoru daha önce açılıp tamirat işlemi görmüşse veya motorunuzu yaptırdıktan sonra sağlıklı toplanıp toplanmadığından emin olmak için testimizi uyguluyorsanız motoru yapan ustanızın eski soğutma suyunu tamamen boşaltarak yeni antifrizli soğutma suyu koyduğundan emin olunuz. Eski suda atık egzoz gazları çözünmüş olarak kalabilir
- b) Test Pozitif sonuç veriyor ve aracınızda su soğutmalı EGR mevcut ise ustanız öncelikle bu parçayı kontrol etmelidir. Bu parça sağlam ise sorun motordadır.
- c) Test ambalajında sızıntı görüyorsanız testi kullanmayınız, hatalı sonuç verecektir.
- d) Motor çok sıcak ise radyatör veya yedek motor suyu deposu kapağını motor bir süre soğuduktan sonra yavaşça basıncını alarak açınız. Basınç altındaki sıcak su el veya yüzünüze zarar verebilir. Dikkatli olunuz…
1 When your vehicle’s engine is either cold or warm, place our test in the engine’s reserve water tank, keeping the handle on the outside.
2 Seal the cap slowly to prevent the handle from breaking.
3 Operate or drive your vehicle at the idle position until it reaches normal running temperature (heat panel to show the middle line).
4 After this moment, complete the test process in 10 minutes either while driving your vehicle or running it idle. In vehicles with diesel engines, it is recommended to test while driving, since the engine runs at idle with poor fuel mixture.
5 Stop the engine. If you have tested while driving and the engine is extremely hot, wait for a while for the engine to cool down, then open the water tank cap and remove the test. The test should be hot when you remove it for accurate results. This indicates that the engine water circulates and travels in the reserve water container.
6 Allow the test to cool down by holding it under cold water or waiting for a while. As a result of the test, if the test liquid comes out yellow or dark yellow just as it was before the test that the combustion chamber of your vehicle’s engine is healthy and leak-free. Light orange means a low-level leakage, dark orange means a moderate-level leakage, red means a high-level leakage, and pink means a very high-level leakage.
Performing our test during periodic maintenance or at least every 6 months will give you the chance of early detection and response.